Letter to the Chancellor about beer duty

Rt Hon Rishi Subak MP

Chancellor of the Exchequer

25 September 2020


Dear Chancellor,

I am writing because I want to share the view expressed by many of my constituents that out local pubs are at crisis point and urgent action is needed to protect these valuable cornerstones of our communities. The COVID-19 pandemic has been devastating for pubs and breweries. They face a long hard road to recovery and are relying on the Treasury to help out, even though the autumn budget has been cancelled.

Long Live The Local is asking for a 25% cut in Beer Duty across the next 4 years. A significant cut in Beer Duty will help kickstart the industry, create jobs, and ensure the UK's pubs and breweries thrive for decades to come. Beer and pubs have been overtaxed for too long. Beer Duty in the UK is three times higher than the average paid in EU countries and 11 times higher than in Germany & Spain.

You clearly recognise the value of pubs, as they were the focus of some of the first measures easing lockdown restrictions earlier this year. But the coming months are going to continue to be hugely challenging. Please will you cut Beer Duty as a way to give the sector more and much needed help.

Yours sincerely,

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