Joining the radical ‘remain’ campaign: Another Europe is Possible


Exciting news! The Green Party is now formally affiliated with Another Europe is Possible - the progressive, radical campaign to ‘stay in Europe to change Europe’.

Another Europe is Possible was founded by a group of grassroots activists and campaigners who share a passion for building a Europe of democracy, human rights, environmental protection and social justice. 

I was delighted to speak at a packed launch event in February, alongside refugee activists, a junior doctor, anti-austerity campaigners and other progressive politicians.

Since then, Another Europe is Possible has attracted an impressive range of high profile supporters, including TUC president Liz Snape, Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell, Economist Ann Pettifor, and Michael Mansfield QC.

Whilst the Green Party is running our own ‘loud and proud’ campaign, Greens for A Better Europe (keep an eye out for the local Brighton launch on Saturday 2 April) an umbrella campaign allows a broader range of people to join forces and speak out.

The EU referendum is too important to let party political differences get in the way. And the public debate on Europe desperately needs this injection of alternative, progressive voices.  

Another Europe Is Possible provides a vital hub for debate and dialogue on what a socially just and environmentally sustainable EU looks like - and how we get there. That’s what Greens and others are fighting for - before and after the referendum. 

So, if you’ve not signed the Green Party’s petition for a Greener Europe, please do that first!

And then head over to Another Europe is Possible where you can:

  • Follow them on Facebook for updates and great articles - from stopping TTIP to exposing anti-EU Tory right-wingers pretending they’re anti-austerity;

  • Consider donating to the crowdfunder (and grab some great perks in return) to help raise a vital £10k in 30 days;

  • Come along to the national gathering in London on Saturday 9th April where Natalie Bennett, Leader of the Green Party, is among an incredible line-up of speakers - guaranteed to inform, inspire and activate!

  • Check out their latest leaflet on stopping TTIP for a flavour of campaigns to come.

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