Caroline responds to Cameron's statement on Syria

Caroline has responded to the Prime Minister's statement on Syria. She said that Cameron's arguments for bombing in Syria were neither 'neither comprehensive nor compelling'. 

Lucas has confirmed that she will vote against military action in Syria on the evidence presented so far. 

Caroline said:

“I welcome the Prime Minister’s comprehensive statement to the House of Commons today – I listened, and considered what he said very carefully. 

“The Prime Minister did not adequately answer the difficult questions over how British airstrikes in Syria will increase our security here in Britain or help bring about a peace in the region.”

“Cameron’s statement was neither comprehensive nor compelling, and he failed to answer key questions set out by the Foreign Affairs Committee.  In particular, his overly optimistic claim of 70,000 available ground troops from Free Syrian Army is roundly contradicted by evidence given to the Select Committee.

“He was unable to give any assurances in terms of the risks of western military action driving more recruits to ISIS. The Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee is on record as saying, just a week ago, that "there is no great military necessity for the UK to be involved since planes are queuing up from a wide range of countries over the skies of Syria". Surely the Prime Minister should listen to the evidence given to the Committee that made clear that the UK's strongest contribution at this point would be through enhanced diplomacy.”


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