Letter to Maria Eagle MP, Shadow Transport Secretary

Letter to Maria Eagle MP, Shadow Transport Secretary

Maria Eagle MP

Shadow Secretary of State for Transport


Ref: Oth.N0032.CM.12.08.13

Date: 12th August 2013

Dear Maria,

I am writing to welcome your recent statements on rail franchising.   I completely agree that the privatisation of InterCity East Coast services is completely unnecessary, and that the Government’s approach is driven by dogma.   You have rightly highlighted the fact the current not-for-profit operator of East Coast has returned “£640 million to the taxpayer and invested more than £40 million in improvements to the service, achieving some of the best results for passengers since records began.”

I am, therefore, writing to ask whether you would agree with me that similar benefits might be achieved if other rail services were returned to public hands. 

As you know, the Rebuilding Rail report published by Transport for Quality of Life last year estimated that moves to take back individual franchises when they expire, or when companies fail to meet their conditions, would result in cost savings of more than £1 billion a year.  This is money that could -  and should - be invested to improve services, and to tackle the spiralling cost of train travel, which you have rightly criticised.

My Private Member’s Bill on rail, due to have its Second Reading in October, sets out the necessary legislation to achieve this.

Given that growing numbers of organisations are in favour of returning our railways to public ownership, and that there is clearly strong support among your own membership, I am writing to ask whether you will be encouraging MPs to support my Bill.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,


Caroline Lucas, MP, Brighton Pavilion

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